International Science Day 2023 15.06.2023, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
The International Office (IO) and the Center for International Teacher Education (CITE) invited to the International Science Day for the second time on Thursday, 15.06.2023 from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm (Aula, Alte PH):
"Designing international projects, implementing them successfully and ensuring sustainability".
At this year's International Science Day with 11 short presentations, the speakers informed their colleagues and the university public about currently running international research and cooperation projects, funded by the Erasmus+ programme or the DAAD, and gave insights into how their projects have developed, whether and how they were completed and/or in what way sustainability is ensured.
The university's research department gave a presentation entitled "Advancing research! - The Research Department at Your Side", and Ulrike Steiger from the EU Research Department of the Universities of Teacher Education Baden-Württemberg presented the funding programmes for project proposals.
Informal discussions gave the opportunity to talk and network with other members of the university about their international projects and beyond.
"Programm International Science Day 2023" (PDF, ca. 178 KB)
"International Science Day 2023 Call" (PDF, ca. 175 KB)
Project Presentations
International Science Day, 22.06.2022, 9:00-13:00
The "International Science Day 2022" on 22.06.2022, together with the "International Science Slam 2022", marked the start of the "International Days" for networking the university's international research players. The "International Days" are to be continued in different formats at the university in the future.
On Wednesday, 22 June 2022 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the International Office of the Heidelberg University of Education, together with the Center for International Teacher Education, organised the "International Science Day 2022" in the auditorium under the title "Conceiving, applying for and successfully implementing international projects" with presentations of international projects and an exchange of best practice on successful application and implementation. After an introduction by Akad. Dir. Henrike Schön, Prof. Dr. Christian Spannagel emphasised the fundamentally international character of research and science in his welcome address. The participants were able to find out about the possibilities of applying for and receiving funding. A poster presentation with excerpts from this year's daktylos "Education Space Europe" gave further insights into the international project work at the university.
International Science Slam, 22.06.2022, 16:00-18:00
Science, but understandable: The Center for International Teacher Education and the Transfer Center of Heidelberg University of Education invited to the hybrid "International Science Slam 2022" on 22.06.2022 from 16:00 to 18:00 in the auditorium of the old building of the university.
What is a science slam? Doctoral students take centre stage. They are given a stage and 10 minutes to talk about their research. The Science Slam is not about dry statistics and complex meta-studies, but about enthusiasm for science with a twinkle in the eye.
Philipp Schrögel from the Center for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS) at Heidelberg University gave an insight into modern forms of science communication. Max Wetterauer from the Transfer Centre then led through the entertaining afternoon with slams of 12 minutes on a wide variety of research topics.