Additional Qualification Certificate Global Citizen
Individual study-accompanying profiling
Heidelberg University of Education's additional qualification certificate Global Citizen serves the personal development and the documentation of key competencies with regard to global citizenship.
Skills that contribute to successful professionalisation in a globalised world are acquired and improved through study-related stays abroad, the acquisition of foreign language skills and participation in events and activities of the University of Education with international relevance.
The additional qualification brings together the offers and projects of the Heidelberg University of Education in the international field and makes them visible.
Achievements in terms of sharpening the individual profile through encounters with internationality will be proven and recognised.
The certificate consists of four fields:
1. Compulsory stay abroad (up to 15 LP)
2. Acquisition of foreign language skills (up to 10 LP)
3. Courses with reference to international / -cultural topics (up to 10 LP)
4. International commitment at the university (up to 5 LP)
Field 1 is mandatory. From fields 2-4, two fields must be certified. The additional qualification comprises 15 to 30 LP and is acquired during the course of study. It is offered by the Center for International Teacher Education (CITE) and is awarded through a moodle event.