Internationality/internationalisation of teacher education
Coordination of target and action planning of internationalisation
Implementation of the re-audit "Internationalisation of Universities" by the HRK (German Rectors' Conference)
Assessment of international references in teaching and research at the University of Education
Establishment and expansion of the English-language range of courses
Conception and implementation of the additional qualification certificate (Global Citizen - individual study-accompanying profiling)
In-house networking and international contacts
Monitoring and documentation of essential international developments in teacher education
Establishment of a portal: Implementation of a knowledge repository concerning international teacher education
Communication platform
Networking conferences
Identification of funding opportunities
Management and Implementation of the project "Programme for the [Promotion of ] International Mobility in Primary School Teacher Education" (ProMobiLGS) within the framework of the programme "Lehramt.International" by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Collaboration on the revision of the Internationalisation Strategy 2026