Report 2017 - 2021
This report is the first comprehensive report on the activities of the Center for International Teacher Education (CITE). It covers the period from the start of operations in June 2017 through June 2021.
In the future, in accordance with CITE's bylaws, the report will be presented annually to the Heidelberg University of Education Senate.
This report
- documents the work done and the results achieved.
- records the history of the CITE, which in its founding phase was called "Center for the Internationalization of Teacher Education" (ZILB), the decision to establish the center, the naming "Center for International Teacher Education (CITE)", the development work and the consolidation of the CITE.
- provides a comprehensive insight into the diverse fields of activity of the CITE and also reflects important aspects and steps in the internationalization of Heidelberg University of Education with a view to institutional changes, such as the establishment of the function of the internationalization officers of the faculties. The report on the HRK Re-Audit "Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions" was included once again in order to make it accessible to a wider public.
- informed about the third-party funded project "ProMobiLGS", which was acquired by the CITE in cooperation with the university-wide project group, within the framework of the program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) "Lehramt.International", which was founded in 2019. At the heart of the project is the goal of making the fourth semester of the bachelor's degree program "Education in the Primary Sector (Reference to Primary School Teacher Education)" fully studyable abroad at selected partner universities. The core element is the recognition of study achievements abroad. A leverage effect can and should emanate from it.
We hope that the bundling of knowledge and expertise on the topic of "Internationalization of Teacher Education" in CITE will continue to successfully accompany Heidelberg University of Education in its internationalization in the years to come.
We hope you enjoy reading this first report of the Center for International Teacher Education (CITE).