Report 2021 - 2022
With this document, the Center for International Teacher Education (CITE) presents its annual activity report. It reports on the period from 01.09.2021 - 30.09.2022 (due to the scope of the previous report up to August 2021) and will in future cover the reporting period of an academic year.
The report provides a broad insight into the diverse fields of activity of the CITE and, with the new version of the Internationalisation Strategy 2026 adopted by the Senate of the Heidelberg University of Education, shows the path that the University intends to take in the area of internationalisation.
- The HRK Re-Audit "Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions" is once again included in the report with the recommendations from the results report. Numerous internationalisation measures at the university are examined with regard to the status of implementation of the recommendations of the Re-Audits consultant team.
- One of the important milestones is the third-party funded project "ProMobiLGS", which was acquired by the CITE in cooperation with the university-wide project group, within the framework of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) programme "Internationalisation of Teacher Education", which was founded in 2019 and whose funding period ends on 31 December 2022.
- Fortunately, the application for the follow-up funding (2022-2024) of the model projects in the programme Lehramt.International was successful. The project continues to focus on the goal of making it possible to study the fourth semester of the Bachelor's programme "Primary School Teacher Education” abroad at selected partner universities. The core element is the recognition of study achievements abroad. A leverage effect can and should emanate from here.
- The reporting period was marked by the Covid 19 pandemic, even though numerous events could be held in face-to-face formats and personal encounters could once again become more part of everyday life than before. Studies and teaching at the university, also numerous measures for internationalisation and communication with our international partners were successfully converted into digital formats. Some of this already stands out as an asset for the future: Video conferencing and digital teaching formats will simplify and enrich teaching, studying and communication even after the pandemic is over.
Nevertheless, the invaluable value of personal encounters remains, not only in building new international partnerships, as well as the wealth of experience of "real" mobilities.
We look forward to continuing to successfully accompany Heidelberg University of Education in the coming years with expertise, knowledge, support in the implementation of measures, commitment and high motivation. As a team, we would like to thank all our companions and especially the Scientific Advisory Board of the CITE and the project group of "ProMobiLGS" for their continuous support and inspiring exchange on issues of internationalisation at our university.
We hope you enjoy reading this report of the Center for International Teacher Education (CITE).