
"bwSync&Share" platform is available

To facilitate communication between external and internal project participants, the "bwSync&Share" platform of the state of Baden-Württemberg, provided by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), is available.
A folder "ProMobiLGS_
Lehramt.International" (read-only) was created.
Here you will find sub-folders for the individual measures of the project: "Project group meetings", "Sachberichte_DAAD", "Ausschreibungen" and "1. Workshop 2020", in which the relevant documents are stored according to the topic.
The subfolders are subject to different restrictions for editing: It is possible to download and edit documents or to insert documents into folders by uploading them.
Documents can thus be exchanged and edited over a longer period of time both by project participants of the PH Heidelberg and by external project participants.

As of 10.09.2020