Digital Workshop 2020
„Teacher education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles: Projects in teaching and research in primary education - 09.10.2020
On 09.10.2020 our first joint digital workshop took place in the project ProMobiLGS. We were able to welcome more than 40 participants from the five partner universities, further institutions and the Heidelberg University of Education from the subjects German, English, Educational Science, Geography, Mathematics and Living Environment Studies to this workshop. After a key note lecture, "Development and Testing of an App - Education for Sustainable Development", Prof. Dr. Svantje Schumann (Pädagogische Hochschule Nordwestschweiz), the participants met in working groups in the second half of the workshop, where short impulse lectures on projects from teaching and research helped to establish or deepen contacts between colleagues and develop perspectives for further cooperation.
We would like to thank all participants of the workshop and look forward to further intensive cooperation and interesting activities in our project.