Prorectorate for Research

Pro-Rector for Research, Sustainability and Digitalization

Prof. Dr. Alexander Siegmund
Pro-Rector – University Management
Consulting hours: By appointment via the office of the pro-rectors
Office address: Keplerstraße 87, room 206b (old building), D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 477-6115
Fax: +49 6221 477-444
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Managing Director of the Research Department |
Head of the Graduate School

Dr. Nicole Flindt
Office address: Zeppelinstr. 3, room 203, D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 477-468
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Office of the Pro-Rectors

Giuliana Ehrhard
Keplerstr. 87, room 206a D-69120 Heidelberg
Pone: +49 6221 477-6116
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