Conference funding
Grants for the participation in scientific conferences
Also in 2020, the Graduate School in cooperation with the pro-rectorate for research, transfer, and digitalization provides grants for the active participation in scientific conferences for all doctoral candidates who are members of the Graduate School or those who will join. Travel and accommodation fees can partially be subsidized. Doctoral candidates who are employed by one of the faculties and who are members of the Graduate School can apply for grants in addition to the funds provided by the faculty.
The current funding period starts with the announcement and ends on December 31, 2020; the conference must take place within this timespan. Furthermore, the application has to be handed in prior to the conference start; application can be submitted until October 15, 2020. Every member of the Graduate School can submit several applications for a total amount of up to 300 Euro. Only the active participation, for example in the form of a presentation or poster can be funded.
Find the terms of funding and the current call below (in German only).
Ausschreibung aktive Teilnahme an wissenschaftlichen Tagungen für Graduate School Mitglieder (2025)
Ansprechpartner: Geschäftsstelle der Graduate School
- Ausschreibung Tagungsförderung (PDF, ca. 0,20 MB) (folgt)
- Antrag Tagungsförderung (PDF, ca. 2,0 MB)
- Dienstreiseantrag (Link)
- Reisekostenvergütung (PDF, ca. 1,0 MB)
Grants for the organization of scientific conferences
Also in 2020, the pro-rectorate for research, transfer, and digitalization offers grants for the organization of scientific conferences at the Heidelberg UoE.
Preferentially, conferences with complementary funding will be co-financed.
To promote the scientific independence of our young researchers, we also provide funds for organizing young researchers’ conferences at the Heidelberg University of Education.
Find the terms of funding and the current call below (in German only).