Applicants from the European Union (EU)
Foreign EU nationals, i.e. citizens of an EU member state who do not have the German Abitur qualification, enjoy the same status as German applicants. Please complete the standard application document.
These applications are treated as part of the normal selection process. The average grade of the applicant’s Abitur equivalent is converted so as to conform with the German grading system. This converted grade is then assigned a number of “selection points”.
Full details of the selection process may be found in the document entitled “Auswahlverfahren für die grundständigen Studiengänge” (Selection Process for Undergraduate Courses)
When applying via uni-assist, applicants can optimise their chances of being accepted if they not only enclose school reports but also – where appropriate – include evidence of any relevant practical experience. Uni- assist will verify their eligibility to study and will also forward to the Pädagogische Hochschule the evidence of relevant practical experience, which we shall then evaluate.