Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katja Schwemmer
2018: Practical teacher qualification (2. Staatsexamen Lehramt Grundschule), Baden-Wuerttemberg
2016: PhD in English Linguistics (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Kortmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Mair), University of Freiburg
2012: University degree in teaching at primary schools (1. Staatsexamen Lehramt Grundschule), University of Bamberg; ERASMUS semester at the University of Wales, Swansea
Since 2023: Junior professor, English Department, Heidelberg University of Education
2020‒22: Lecturer, English Department, Freiburg University of Education
2017‒22: Primary school teacher in Baden-Wuerttemberg (parental leaves: 03/2019 – 10/2020 and 01/2022 – 03/2023)
2015‒17: Research assistant and lecturer, English Department, University of Freiburg
2012‒15: PhD student, research training group GRK DFG 1624 "Frequency Effects in Language", University of Freiburg
2013: Lecturer, Institute for English and American Studies, University of Bamberg
2010‒12: Student researcher (English Linguistics, Psychology), University of Bamberg
- Grammar and the role of formulaic sequences in the primary EFL classroom
- Applied linguistics with a special focus on
- Applied Construction Grammar and usage-based approaches to language learning
- Corpus linguistics and the foreign language classroom
Schwemmer, Katja. 2023. Happy birthday! Mit Mini-Dialogen die Sprechkompetenz fördern. In: Grundschule Englisch 83.14‒15.
Haas, Stefanie & René Torkler (eds.). 2021. Abenteuer Ethik Realschule Bayern, Bd. 9. Bamberg: C.C. Buchner. (I am the author of the English pages.)
Haas, Stefanie & René Torkler (eds.). 2020. Abenteuer Ethik Realschule Bayern, Bd. 8. Bamberg: C.C. Buchner. (I am the author of the English pages.)
Torkler, René (ed.). 2019. Abenteuer Ethik Realschule Bayern, Bd. 7. Bamberg: C.C. Buchner. (I am the author of the English pages.)
Kasten, Erich, Katja Roller & Joshua Wilbur (eds.). 2017. Oral History Meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg/Havel: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien.
Roller, Katja. 2017. On Pits, Progressives and Probabilities of Use: Memories from Wales and Their Implications for Corpus-linguistic (and Historical) Research. In: Erich Kasten, Katja Roller & Joshua Wilbur (eds.). Oral History Meets Linguistics. Fürstenberg/Havel: Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien. 147‒158.
Roller, Katja. 2016. Salience in Welsh English Grammar: A Usage-based Approach. Freiburg: NIHIN Studies. (Doctoral thesis)
Roller, Katja. 2015. Towards the ‘Oral’ in Oral History: Using Historical Narratives in Linguistics. In: Oral History 43:1, 73‒84.
2024: The Role of Coursebooks in Learning Language Chunks in Primary English Education, Inaugural ELLRA Conference, Pedagogical University of Cracow
2024: A Constructionist Perspective on Primary English Coursebooks: The Role of Chunks, CALP 4 (Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy), University of Erlangen Nuremberg
2024 (with Anabelle Thurn): Geschichtskulturelle Medien im bilingualen historischen Sachunterricht: Perspektiven für inhaltliches und fremdsprachliches Lernen, Tagung "CLIL im historischen Sachunterricht: Perspektiven für inhaltliches und fremdsprachliches Lernen", Heidelberg University of Education
2023: Warum nicht nur die Heidelberger, sondern auch die Waliser singen, wenn sie sprechen und was das mit unserer Identität zu tun hat, Science Slam, Heidelberg University of Education
2023: Chunks im Englischunterricht der Grundschule: Ein konstruktionsgrammatischer Ansatz, 30. DGFF-Kongress, Freiburg University of Education
2023 (with Anabelle Thurn): Historisches Lernen im bilingualen Sachunterricht: Mit geschichtskulturellen Quellen zum Content & Language Integrated Learning, 32. GDSU-Jahrestagung, Salzburg University of Education
2022: Rituale im Englischunterricht der Grundschule, Fachtag "Frühes Fremdsprachenlernen in der Grundschule heute", Freiburg University of Education
2016: Salience in Welsh English Grammar: On Usage Frequencies and Social Factors, Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Universidad de Murcia
2015: A Frequency-based Approach to Salience in Dialect Grammar: The Case of Welsh English, ICAME 36, University of Trier – Winner of the John Sinclair Bursary for the best presentation by a PhD student
2015 (with Bernd Kortmann): From Dialect Corpus to Interactive Open-access Database: FRED Online, international FRIAS & GRK 1624 workshop "Oral History Meets Linguistics", University of Freiburg
2014: Welsh That Is: On the Relation between Salience and Frequency in Welsh English Grammar, 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC5), Lancaster University