Talk: Learning in encounter as a task of Islamic religious education

A talk given by Prof. Dr. Mualla Selçuk (Ankara) an und Prof. Dr. Imran Schröter (Karlsruhe).


Dr. Mualla Selçuk is a professor at the Ankera University and currently an international teaching fellow of the Heidelberg University of Education. Dr. Imran Schröter is an adjunct professor at the Karlsruhe University of Education. Both will be guests in Heidelberg on Monday, June 10th and will talk about the challenges and opportunities of interreligious encounter learning as a task of Islamic religious education.

The lecture will take place at 5 p.m. c.t. in the Aula (Keplerstraße 87, 69120 Heidelberg). The lecture will be held in German and English; a German summary will be available for the English part of the lecture. Students and members of the Heidelberg University of Education are very welcome.

Further information can be found at